First off I would like to say Happy Holidays to anyone who may or may not be reading this!!!! So far it honestly does NOT feel like December in Virginia. Its currently in the mid 50's and raining. We had snow so far once this year and that was before Halloween go figure!! Go figure my first post in forever will be a Debbie Downer one - We found a tumor on our dog last week , and she had it removed yesterday. We are currently waiting for the rest of the labs to come back and sadly things are not looking good for her but we will take things as they come and enjoy her smashing around the house in her "cone of shame" for now! So please pet owners - take care of your fur critters , groom them regularly and if things come up call your vet! This came on very fast it was not there last tuesday when she was groomed and was the size of a ping pong ball by Thursday - we are hoping that its something simple and that we will be able to amputate her tail and be done. just imagine a German Shepherd with no tail ( its amusing).
Meanwhile in good news : the littles are doing great. The Mancub has started kindergarten this year and absoloutely LOVES it! The Drama is doing great and the ninja baby turns one in just over a week - where oh where does time fly? Once things mellow out I'm hoping to get more crafting done and finish up the massive to do list for the holiday season!