It is now February , and while this time a couple years ago there was snow on the ground and we were getting ready for snowmageddon. This year we have had a few dustings and thats it. Other than of course the one "decent" snow we had in October. I think Old Man Winter decided to move out west this year . I'm not sure if I am happy about this or not but at this point it either needs to snow already OR warm up!
Valentines day is fast approaching and of course my 5 yr old loves to remind me of this daily since he wants me to plan special snacks for his class and help him with some "super special valentimes" (as he calls them). SO if one of te few of you reading this has some ideas for some cute ones to make let me know or I can just go searching Pinterest. ( I love that site!!) Needless to say we will be adding more to moms growing to - do list with this "holiday" coming up. Call me crazy , call me bitter but I'm not looking forward to it AT ALL this year. Maybe its because my awesome husband is out of the country right now who knows. BUT I am going to make it fun for the kids!!
Speaking of to do lists- I'm working on my big household to do list slowly yet surely. We finally got rid of the horrid blue couches( anyone who knows them knows what I mean by horrid) , I got the living room , downstairs hall way , stairway , upstairs hall way - oh hell , I got everything but the kitchen and bathroom painted ( it desprately needed it - the living room was supposed to be a tan color that came out peach *panic* and everything else was flat white - that obviously was NOT working). I have 46 sq feet of the kitchen floor redone . 46sq ft you ask? Well you see I jumped the gun, and bought a box of flooring at the same time I bought the paint instead of waiting like I was supposed to do. HOWEVER that *should* be getting fixed late this week hopefully.
Once that gets done I will just have alot of organizing to do ( small space with no storage = nightmare and hubby isnt huge in ikea storage so I get to be VERY creative ) THEN I get to take my project madness outside. I really would like something in the flower bed this year out front instead of weeds and cat poop from the neighbor's cats. ( anyone have a good idea to keep cats out? ) I'm sure someone may argue that it is fertilizer but being as cats are carnivores - not so much from what I've read and well its gross. I'm pretty sure they wouldnt appreciate me letting my 90lb German Shepherd use the bathroom right next to their front door.
SO While I have no coherant thoughts this evening - I will leave on this note : Long-ish post made short : It needs to snow or warm up ( I would love a foot of snow starting next tuesday , last for a while then warm up into a nice gorgeous spring!) - I need ideas for cute valentines my 5 yr old can help me make ( I already have some ideas for a surprise my 8 yr old will be making) AND I need ideas to keep cats out of my flower bed so I dont have to worry about cat poop in my flowers I'm going to try to plant!!!!!