So this afternoon I pick up my 4 yr old from school , knowing they made "turkey cookies" GREAT! So he shows me his cookie very proudly telling me its going to taste even better than his turkey sandwiches( which is is obsessed with by the way). Once we get home he decides " well the wattle got messed up I think its more of a pigeon now and I hope we dont have to eat pigeon for thanksgiving" WHERE on earth do kids come up with this stuff? I mean pigeon really? They also made a thankfulness wreath - expecting something cute on his I open his backpack and he is thankful for his toys ( of course you have to have priorities at 4!!) and *drumroll* " the train that took us to baseball" . We went to a baseball game back in September I think it was , possibly August - he wanted no real part of it at all and was having more fun trying to flirt with the adorable little girl in front of us oh and the hotdogs were great ( they better have been considering we paid HOW much for them?!) . Meanwhile my 7 yr old LOVED it and had a blast - See exhibit a- 7 yr old was happy about being there
Meanwhile - little brother was nice and bratty - the only time we got a picture of him remotely happy was of course with an incredibly over priced hot dog....
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